অলীক পাতার অন্যান্য সংখ্যা- পড়তে হলে ক্লিক করুন Library ট্যাব টি

। । "অলীক পাতা শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪৩১ আসছে এই মহালয়াতে। । লেখা পাঠানোর শেষ তারিখ ১৫ ই আগস্ট রাত ১২ টা ।.."বিশদে জানতে ক্লিক করুন " Notice Board ট্যাব টিতে"

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Preface-Swarup Chakraborty

Fifth edition

Dear friends,
On behalf of Team ALEEK PATA, I welcome you from the deepest core of my heart to the fifth issue of your very own blog “Aleek Pata- The Expressive World”.
Monsoon has knocked our doors and Mother Nature is at her most blissful and sweetest phase of the year- we know that there are some parts where flood has made life difficult- but, we all know that mankind’s aggression towards nature is the reason behind this destruction and imbalance. Our deeds are firing back.
In my opinion, one can enjoy the seasons, celebrations and happiness to the fullest-while being in his own homeland because the memories are best re-lived with the hints of the sound, sight and yes, smells associated with a particular memory.
People like me who lives far away from his home land can miss it, but, thanks to my friend’s here- at Haridwar and from various parts of the globe who keeps on sharing their feelings and thoughts through our very own blog and its facebook page “ALEEK PATA- The Expressive World”.
In this hard time of worldwide intolerance- where people are trying to split the world into pieces in the name of religion, nationality, caste; the world of Aleek Pata is doing a great  job, becoming  larger by transforming our tiny worlds into a wholesome world , we never feel out of our home, instead, the whole world becomes our home.
 I must take this opportunity to thank friends from various parts of the world like Bangladesh, Germany, United States of America, Canada, Spain and many more who regularly visit our blog.
As announced earlier we are planning to bring out the printed annual version of Aleek Pata during the Durga Puja festival. For that we are receiving articles from our friends, who in spite of their busy schedule have taken the pain to contribute for this issue. Team Aleek Pata is really grateful to them. We invite you friends to ignite the creative mind within you.  
The last date for sending articles is 10th August, 2017. For more updates regarding this, please keep an eye in this blog’s “Notice Board/Advertisement” panel and visit our facebook page at “facebook/aleekpata”

With Warm regards
Swarup Chakraborty

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