অলীক পাতার অন্যান্য সংখ্যা- পড়তে হলে ক্লিক করুন Library ট্যাব টি

। । "অলীক পাতা শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪৩১ আসছে এই মহালয়াতে। । লেখা পাঠানোর শেষ তারিখ ১৫ ই আগস্ট রাত ১২ টা ।.."বিশদে জানতে ক্লিক করুন " Notice Board ট্যাব টিতে"

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Preface-Swarup Chakraborty


Image Courtesy: Ragunath Chakraborty, Google Image Gallery

My dear friends,

At the midst of the cold winter season, we offer a very refreshing & ‘Warm’ welcome to you, the esteemed readers and patrons of ALEEK PATA.

While most of the parts of India are experiencing cold wave, we, the family members of ALEEK PATA are keeping the warmth of life intact by our creations……months after months.

Yes, this is the tenth edition of ALEEK PATA which is being released today, we are thankful to the writers and the readers of ALEEK PATA, without whom it was impossible to reach this milestone.

Shivering cold, opaque  window glass panes and the dullness of the sky cannot stop the creators of this family to think, to create, so, let’s ignite the gray cells and continue the never ending journey of creativity and expression.

India is a land of celebrations, a land of fulfillment, amidst all the unhappiness, ugliness or dullness of the  society we keep on sawing the seeds of hope, we believe that humanity can't  just be  demolished under the feet of a few ruthless demons- who call them selves human beings! That amalgamation of belief and  hard work enables us to reap the fruits of happiness in form of the golden harvest.  

India celebrates the festival of harvest the " Nobanno" during this season.

Likewise, at ALEEK PATA we celebrate life by celebrating every season and occasion to the fullest.

So, along with Khejur Gur, PicnicNolen Gurer Sandesh and Shawl-Sweater let's have a winter extravaganza -specially for ALEEK PATA E-magazine........

Let's celebrate winter with photographs, because a photograph is far more expressive than a bunch of lines....

As announced in the previous issue, “ALEEK PATA- the Expressive World” E-Magazine is going to celebrate Winter of India, through a dedicated  Winter Photo Gallery , where we are going to showcase photographs taken by our readers- and we are very pleased to share that a substantial number of photographs have been received at our end from our readers, we wish that we could accommodate all of the photographs in the gallery, but, due to some technical limitations we are picking only few of them, we are thankful to the participants for their enthusiastic participation. 

We invite you all to discover the world through their 'Lances and Angles'

 Our Winter Photo Gallery shall go live as soon as it is constructed, and as promised by us - one of the photographs shall be the winter Wall Paper of our Magazine.

At this point, I, along with my team want to  take the opportunity to wish you

“A Happy, Creative and Expressive New Year Ahead.”

With this I must take your leave with a hope to see you again with a new edition of   ALEEK PATA –The Expressive World.

Swarup Chakraborty
Team -Aleek Pata
26th December,2017

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অলীক পাতায় লেখা পাঠান