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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Guest Writer-Shammi Sukh

The Royal Road to Happiness!

Image Courtesy: Google Images

Shammi Sukh
Author, Trainer and Motivator

(Know More About The Author By Clicking Here)

If someone asks, “Do you want to lead a happier life? Do you want to enjoy rewarding & lasting relationships? Do you want to reduce stress?” Your answer would be “obviously yes”. The fact is all of us want to be happy, not only for few days, but for all times to come.

Is there a reasonable way to achieve this? My conviction is “Yes, there is an easy way out.” And the secret to everlasting happiness lies in the process of “Inner dialogue”, called self-talk in modern psychology. Today, psychologists profess that most of emotional hurts are created by an individual himself or herself, usually unintentionally, by indulging in negative self-talk.

“What is this process of self-talk”, a question might pop up in your mind. Well, as we go about leading our daily life, we all are constantly interpreting situations around us, and an internal dialogue (self-talk) takes place inside our head, which decides how we are going to feel about the situation.



Meet Jyoti and Raghav. Raghav, a software engineer, works with a multi-national firm. The two got married 5 years ago, and are blessed with a daughter, who is 2 years old. Jyoti and Raghav were college mates, who fell in love and finally decided to marry each other.

Apparently, Jyoti’s and Raghav’s relationship appears to be normal and healthy, but if we observe their daily life carefully, we will notice a number of ‘emotional wounds’ and ‘ill feelings’ Jyoti is carrying about Raghav.

This is what happened a few days ago. Just like any other day, Raghav got ready in the morning and left home for office. Raghav’s office was around 25 kms away from home, and he had to drive his bike each day 50 kms to and fro. After a day’s hard work, Raghav returned home.

In the evening, Jyoti and Raghav spent around 2 hours together, chatting and playing with their daughter. That day, their daughter was not keeping well as she was running fever. At around 10 pm, Raghav went to bed and in no time he was asleep. Jyoti after finishing household chores, went to sleep at around 10.30 pm. She too was asleep within a few minutes.

It was around 11.30 pm, Jyoti got up as she was worried about her daughter’s fever. She was about to wake up Raghav but something stopped her from doing so. She checked her daughter’s fever and gave her medicine.

Image Courtesy: Google Images

Just before retiring to bed, Jyoti looked at Raghav. Raghav was sleeping soundly and unaware of what was going on in Jyoti’s head. Jyoti was quite upset and was feeling angry with Raghav. How could he sleep so coolly, whereas she was keeping awake and taking care of their daughter? Is he the same Raghav who cared about her a lot before their marriage? What had gone wrong with him? How could he be a different person now?  These were some of the questions which were disturbing her peace of mind. As a result she could not sleep whole night as she was full of anger and humiliation.


Here’s another case. Meet Gopal, a young science graduate working as an officer in a private company. Gopal got married to Lata. Lata being a home maker looked after home activities. Apparently Gopal and Lata, both are normal people, but if you observe their behaviour closely, you will notice a number of emotional problems. This is how they spent their yesterday. 

In the evening, Gopal returned from office. He asked Lata to prepare a cup of tea for him. Lata, after serving tea and snacks to Gopal, asked Gopal if they could go shopping since it had been a long time when they shopping last. Gopal suddenly got angry at Lata and told her that she always spent money lavishly and didn’t realize its value. If she wanted to spend money lavishly she should have married some rich person.

On hearing such sentences, Lata too lost her temper and retaliated that Gopal was miser and he did not love her. He was obsessed with his work! In no time both were engrossed in heated arguments – blaming and accusing one another. The rest of their day was spoiled. Lata went to bed crying, and Gopal kept lying wide awake in bed.

What happened yesterday is a typical example of what happens in the day-to-day life of Gopal and Lata. Of course, they know that the frequent emotional upsets which they experience, make them feel tired and drained, physically and mentally, and keep them in a disturbed state of mind, but don’t know how to deal with such emotionally upsetting situations. 
Image Courtesy: Google Images

Needless to mention, people like Jyoti, Gopal, etc. are in legion. Just have a good look around and you will find so many people like them – suffering at emotional level, going through bad moods every now and then. The list of events or situations in which people feel unhappy, angry or insulted is endless, such as:

·       He sent the invitation card through a servant
·       Look, my husband / wife does not even remember even my birthday.
·       He visited my brother first and me later. Is it not insulting?
·       I have visited her house ten times, but she visited mine only thrice.
·       I got a smaller piece of cake whereas others have got a bigger one.
·       When I came home from office, tired and exhausted, my wife didn’t even ask me for a cup of coffee. And so on...

Why do people become emotionally disturbed? Who makes them feel bad? Is it their circumstances or do they themselves create emotional turmoil? If they create their emotional turmoil then why do they do so? You may even state that no person would like to spoil his or her mood? In fact you will find that all such people are normal, but then why don’t they stop doing such things? And, if these people are creators of their own emotional disturbances, how can they just come out of these disturbances?

These are some of the questions which might arise in your mind. We will try to understand the process and subsequently find a solution for these.


Many people carry a belief that if unfavourable or ‘bad’ situations would not have been there then they would have performed well and remained happy. Is it true? Some might say, ‘Yes, it is true”. If it is so then here are some questions which will make us have a re-look at our perceptions.

There are many people who sleep like Raghav but not all wives feel angry or humiliated like Jyoti does.

There are many ladies who ask their husband to drop their child to school but not all husbands feel angry like Gopal. There are many bosses who reject reports of their juniors but not all feel anxious or depressed.

In nutshell, all sorts of people live in this world, and they all do all sorts of acts or things but NOT all people feel angry, frustrated, or insulted. Then who is the culprit? Who makes them unhappy? Who kills their peace of mind? Who makes their life miserable? Who is breaking their relationships?


Let us try to understand the reason for emotional disturbance or turmoil of people like Gopal, Jyoti, etc. Their emotional outburst to various events in life becomes easily understandable if we learn what and how things happened – externally and internally.

The whole process can be divided into three steps as mentioned below:

Point A: Activating Event or Situation

Point B: Belief System of the person

Point C: Consequences or effect on the person

Let us now try to see the events once more in terms of these small steps. 


Let us take the case of Jyoti and Raghav, when Raghav fell asleep and Jyoti got up at 11.30 pm to give medicine to her daughter. Let us break the process into three steps.

Point A: Activating Event or Situation

Just before retiring to bed, Jyoti looked at Raghav, Raghav was in sound sleep and unaware of what was going on in Jyoti’s head.

Point B: Belief System

Looking at the situation, Jyoti possibly indulged in negative self-talk such as:

“Look at this fellow. He is coolly sleeping. Not even worried about me, i.e. whether I have slept or not. How selfish he is! The moment he lied down on bed he slept. It ONLY means he does not love me anymore.”

Point C: Consequences or feelings

By telling such negative sentences to herself, she felt victimized as well as lonely. She felt that Raghav was selfish and no more loved her.


Let us take case II, of Gopal and Lata, and break it into the three steps.

Point A: Activating Event or Situation

In the evening, Gopal returned from office, and asked Lata to prepare a cup of tea for him. Lata, after serving tea and snacks, asked Gopal if they could go for shopping since it was a long time since they shopped last.

Till this point everything was fine, but as soon as this happened, Gopal’s Belief System got activated.

Point B: Belief System

With his belief system getting activated, Gopal possibly said something like this to himself through ‘internal dialogue’: “Look at this lady. How difficult it is to earn money? I have been toiling like a donkey each day to earn some money. She does not even realize my position. This shows that she does not care for me. Do I have to tell all these things to her? It is common sense to understand other’s position. Whole day she takes rest in the house, and comes up with new demands every now and then. I know she does all this intentionally to trouble me.”

Point C: Consequences or feelings

By telling such sentences internally, at point C Gopal suddenly got angry at Lata and told her that she always spent money lavishly and didn’t realize its value. If she wanted to spend money lavishly she should have married some rich person.

Gopal shouted at point C, i.e. consequences subsequent to telling previous sentences to himself at Point B, i.e. Belief System.

Let us now take the case of Lata when Gopal told her a few sentences, and break it into again the same three steps.

Point A: Activating Event or Situation

After Gopal got angry and told Lata that she always spent money lavishly and didn’t realize its value. If she wanted to spend money lavishly she should have married some rich person. On hearing such sentences, Lata too lost her temper and replied in retaliation that Gopal was a miser person and that he did not love her. He wanted to work and work only.

Point B: Belief System

What might have gone through Lata’s mind at belief level can be something like this, “Look at this fellow. Whole day I toil like a maid servant whereas this fellow coolly sits in an air-conditioned office. Look at other ladies! How much money they spend on their shopping! It is not even a fraction of their expenditure that I spend on my dresses. He thinks I am a beggar. Obviously he does not love me anymore. How unlucky I am to have married this guy?”
Point C: Consequences or feelings

After telling such sentences to herself, Lata too became furious and retaliated in the same fashion as Gopal.

The reality is that the moment a person looks at a situation or event, his or her belief system gets activated like an electric ‘relay’ and says something to oneself which is known as inner dialogue or the self-talk. After indulging in self-talk the person feels happy or unhappy, excited or depressed, love or hatred, joy or anger, peace or disturbance – depending upon what sentences one has told oneself.


More is coming in coming issues.... Please let us know how do you liked it, in our comment box below.

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