অলীক পাতার অন্যান্য সংখ্যা- পড়তে হলে ক্লিক করুন Library ট্যাব টি

। । "অলীক পাতা শারদ সংখ্যা ১৪৩১ আসছে এই মহালয়াতে। । লেখা পাঠানোর শেষ তারিখ ১৫ ই আগস্ট রাত ১২ টা ।.."বিশদে জানতে ক্লিক করুন " Notice Board ট্যাব টিতে"

Wednesday, October 2, 2019




Writing about something, or in this case, anything is really not an easy task, especially when your minds wandering outside your body and your eyes are already drooping.
After all these years I’ve spent, the most astonishing thing that still catches my eyes is how fast we all grew up.to be very true, I didn’t give it a thought until recently, when I had to write ‘19’ on the age column. (I didn’t even notice I am 19 on my birthday!!)
And then it struck me, I’m an adult, although I don’t feel like one,  technically I am and soon I will be stepping in my youth, and I’ll do a job and make money and etc.

Honestly, all these things didn’t freak me out, what freaked me out was HOW THE HELL I became a 19-year-old teen? I mean I know it would’ve taken me 19 years to become this (literally)big, but somehow it didn’t feel that long.it feels like someone have suddenly fast-forwarded my life and paused it now. But I’m not the only one who feels this way, right?
Actually, if you think about it carefully, you’ll realize that you knew all along with that you were growing up, in fact we all were!
For instance, there was a day when all we used to do was tearing up newspapers or scrubbing crayons on it randomly. Soon the newspapers were replaced with white papers with cute cartoons on it.
Then one day the pencils replaced the crayons and questions and numbers replaced the cartoons.
 Soon you started writing with a gel pen, carefully writing the question with the black and the answers with the blue one.
 And now, it doesn’t even bother you that your fingers are holding a ball pen and you don’t care about the ink while jotting down the notes.
In the whole process it was not the pens or pencils or papers that grew up, it was YOU! The child, who would not even notice while stepping on a plant to dissecting it and studying it under the microscope.
I’ve heard many saying ‘I don’t want to grow up!!’ yes, it's true, none of us want to because we are SCARED. scared to take responsibility, scared to come out of the shadows of our parents and scared to say’ I’m sorry, it was all my fault.’
And none of us have the guts to do any of these. Especially the last one to our parents, with whom we fight most of the time. We all know the reasons for the fight are vague and that we truly need them, but end up being stubborn.
If you introspect, then you’ll find out the truth that your fight is not because of those reasons, but because you’re scared to take responsibility, to GROW UP.
But you know, it isn’t as hard as it seems and I would say it’s easier, only if you stop trying so hard. Consciously or unconsciously, we all are growing, and that is the secret. It WILL strike you someday when you will be replacing your parents and you have to take someone’s responsibility besides yourself.
It’s just like your journey from that that little cute baby to what you are now. The only difference is that before there was someone to guide you in a common pathway. But now there are millions of paths before you, some less traveled, some more traveled, and it's your and only your responsibility to decide, whether to follow a path or to discover one.
Thank you!!!                          

| Aleekpatamagazine.blogspot.in |
  | Editor: Swarup Chakraborty | Publisher: Debasree Chakraborty |
|ALEEK PATA-The Expressive World |Online Magazine |
|a DISHA-The Dreamer Initiative |
|Special Puja Issue,2019 | September-October, 2019 |
| Third Year Third Issue |20Th Edition|
|© All Rights Reserved By The Editor and The Publisher |


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